// -- Initializations -- $(document).ready(function() { if($('#contactform').length || $('#vetparticipationform').length || $('#applicationform').length){ $('#contactform, #vetparticipationform, #applicationform').submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.required-field-alert').removeClass('required-field-alert'); $('.required-field-alert-highlight').removeClass('required-field-alert-highlight'); if (!$('input[name="citycode"]', this).length) $(this).append(''); $('input[type="submit"]', this).hide(); $('.-spin', this).removeClass('hide'); var jFrmD = $(this).attr('id'); var jFrmCtn = $(this).attr('action'); jslocal_AjaxPost(jFrmD, jFrmCtn); return false; }); } if($('#section-vetparticipation #vetparticipationform').length){ jslocal_Url = window.location.search; if(jslocal_Url.indexOf('?') >= 0){ jslocal_Url = jslocal_Trim(jslocal_Url.replace('?', '')); if (jslocal_Url != '' && jslocal_IsInteger(jslocal_Url, false)){ $('#section-vetparticipation #vetparticipationform').slideUp(); $('#section-vetparticipation .-0').slideUp(); 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} var reFloat = /^-?((\d+(\.\d*)?)|((\d*\.)?\d+))$/; function jslocal_IsNumber(jNmbr) { // jNmbr = number to check return reFloat.test(jNmbr); } function jslocal_IsInteger(jNmbr, jSgndNtgr) { // jNmbr = number to check | jSgndNtgr = allow signed integer (true/false) if (jSgndNtgr) return (jNmbr.toString().search(/^-?[0-9]+$/) == 0); // allows negative sign else return (jNmbr.toString().search(/^[0-9]+$/) == 0); // does not allow negative sign } uc = Date.parse(new Date()) + '_' + Math.round(100*Math.random()) + '_'; var ucIncrement = 0; // a value to be incremented function jslocal_UC(){ // return the unique value ++ucIncrement; return (uc + (ucIncrement+'')); } function jslocal_AjaxPost(jFrmD, jRl) { // jNmbr = form id | jRl = url var jFormData = $('#' + jFrmD).serialize(); var jAjaxUrl = jRl; $.ajax({type:'POST', url:(jAjaxUrl + '?uc=' + jslocal_UC()), data:jFormData, async:true, dataType:'script' }); return; } function jslocal_AjaxPost2(jFrmDt, jRl) { // jFrmDt = form data | jRl = url var jFormData = jFrmDt; var jAjaxUrl = jRl; $.ajax({type:'POST', url:(jAjaxUrl + '?uc=' + jslocal_UC()), data:jFormData, async:true, dataType:'script' }); return; }